Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dearest Sewing Machine,

Dearest Sewing Machine,

First, you can't zig-zag stitch correctly and NOW a clean straight line seems to be impossible. I would throw you out the window if I thought it would do any good because this is unacceptable...

Shape up or ship out,


  1. does this mean you are getting a new one? i am happy to say i just ordered one. now i can return the borrowed one and use my very own(once it arrives). i am very excited. =) hopefully yours gets fixed or you are able to get a new one. =) the totes you made jackson's teachers are awesome and your tags are so cute!

  2. Congrats on your new sewing machine! Well right now I have 3 machines but not one that I'm thrilled about. I have mine that I can't seem to do anything correctly on, my mom's that I've been using(the one I wrote the post about)that I used to love even though it can't zig zag stitch, and then a really old one that my Grandma just gave me that I really haven't had time to figure out yet. I really don't know anything about the maintenance of the machines so I would like to take them somewhere to see if someone more knowledgeable can figure them out...I have a feeling that I'm the problem!
    Thanks! I just saw your blog and I love the notebook you made your neice with the felt on the cover...very cute!
